Zihua, 68

Wuhan, Hubei, China

Hi there, Zihua , 68 years old. I'm coming from Wuhan. I am here looking for Something surprising. For more information, please check my profile below. If you think I am the one sharing the same ideas as you do, feel free to let me know.

Zihua, China By Zihua from China


Profile Info

Zihua, China My Personal Information
Member ID
Date of birth:
Sep 9, 1956
155 cm
48 kg
Wuhan, Hubei, China
Zihua, China My Signature

May us always have an angle by our side.

Zihua, China Self Introduction

Although we come from different countries, speak different languages, and have different life experiences, i believe our understanding for love and happiness are the same, right? I have my own simple pursuit for them, Let me tell you something about myself, i lost my ex because of cancer, I took care of him in hospital for 2 years. We fight with the illness together, we supported and encouraged each other, but finally he passed away, leaving me and out daughter Shasha. Although i was in grief, i knew i need to pull myself together, as i had daughter. All i could do is to forget the sorrow and work hard to raise Shasha. Fortunately, we have gone through the worst time, now, Shasha is offered a good job, and i am retired now, my life is very simple. I am a Christian, so i will go to church every Sunday, most if time, i just stay at home, or meet some friends outside. I take good care of our simple sweet home, everyday i make it cozy and tidy. Compared with other ladies on the site, maybe i am much older, but i still hold the hope to find a reliable man to spend my rest of life, i want to have a try, if we are doomed to meet each other, we can fall in love, and rely on each other, to create a happy home,

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