Yana, 27

Odessa, Odessa Oblast, Ukraine

Hi there, Yana , 27 years old. I'm coming from Odessa. I am here looking for Something fun and casual,Something fun and casual,Something promising,Something nice and easy,Something surprising. For more information, please check my profile below. If you think I am the one sharing the same ideas as you do, feel free to let me know.

Yana, Ukraine By Yana from Ukraine


Profile Info

Yana, Ukraine My Personal Information
Member ID
Date of birth:
May 27, 1997
160 cm
45 kg
Odessa, Odessa Oblast, Ukraine
Yana, Ukraine My Signature

infinity Sunbright

Yana, Ukraine Self Introduction

I have always been a very active and passionate woman in my life. I always try to improve and never sit in one place. This world is so big, and our life is too short to wait for a miracle. So, I am here to find my love, to love and be loved! They say you'll never know until you try it! Do you agree with this? Have you seen a cute little kitten who loves warmth and tenderness? It's me. I have a gentle nature, and I can easily be offended, my heart is very kind and open. I believe that kindness should be the main quality in life, and the whole world will become better. I am sure that you are a real man with real desires. I hope that you are ready to take a chance right now! I'm not for games and I don't play with feelings. I am not ready to waste my time on any fake profiles. I'm not the queen. I am a simple woman with a desire to love. Are you finally ready to take a chance with me, holding my hand?

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Yana , 27

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