June, 55

Nan'an, Chongqing, China

Hi there, June , 55 years old. I'm coming from Nan'an. I am here looking for something romantic. For more information, please check my profile below. If you think I am the one sharing the same ideas as you do, feel free to let me know.

June, China By June from China


Profile Info

June, China My Personal Information
Member ID
Date of birth:
May 29, 1969
165 cm
67 kg
Nan'an, Chongqing, China
June, China My Signature

The lovers finally got married.

June, China Self Introduction

Hello, thanks for opening my profile, I think it's fate let us meet here. I was born in Chongiqng, a very beautiful mountian city. I am always a very tender, kind-hearted and easygoing woman. When I was young, I was honest , kind and always believe that marriage is the final destination of women. Then I quit my job, and start to take care of my family, my child. As the time passed by, I found I already lose myself. When I got devorced, I went back to my job. I can't express how happy I am when I give classes to children. Every student in the scholl calls me Sister. I love my life now. Now, I am comfident, passionate, for life. I wish I can find a man who is kind and gentle here to spend the rest of my life with. Are you the right one?

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June , 55

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