Landa, 60

Nan'an, Chongqing, China

Hi there, Landa , 60 years old. I'm coming from Nan'an. I am here looking for Something promising. For more information, please check my profile below. If you think I am the one sharing the same ideas as you do, feel free to let me know.

Landa, China By Landa from China


Profile Info

Landa, China My Personal Information
Member ID
Date of birth:
Mar 26, 1964
160 cm
45 kg
Nan'an, Chongqing, China
Landa, China My Signature

This is Landa.

Landa, China Self Introduction

One word frees us of all the weight and pain in life.That word is LOVE. And it is also why people all want to meet the real love.And me also here for finding my true love.If everything was arranged by god,I am willing to be here wait for my fate.I will take good care of it and let it grow up so well. Hello,I am Pinglan Li from the beautiful mountain city Chongqing.People all said that the living environment has a big influence for one’s character.So I am enthusiastic like the hot weather in Chongqing,I am also soft like the elegant scenery here. I love smile.And there is a famous saying that people love smile will always have good luck.Maybe it is.Lol...As everything in my life is so good,only I had a failed marriage.I have a good son,now he is working in the hospital as a doctor.He is really good,as when he was a child,he was a independent boy who always helped me share all houseworks.And it is so lucky that my work always goes smoothly.I seldom feel sad for things in my daily life. Like other ladies,sometimes, I like reading books at home alone, or sit near to the window,look at the black sky with some stars,and enjoy the quiet of night.Sometimes I also like to dance with my friends.You know I love dance very much,as I think it can help me keep a happy mood,and also can help me keep a good figure.Do not laugh at me?Although I am over 50 now,I still care my figure.As the heart of loving beauty exists everwhere.hehe....I am glad that I still keep a good figure even now. If I have touched your heart once, If your heart beats faster and I am the reason of it, If you also think I am the one in your heart. ....... If I say there is no “IF”, Will you give me a chance to open the future which maybe belong to both of us? I will be here waiting for your coming!

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