Carmen, 38

Bogota, Distrito Capital de Bogota, Colombia

Hi there, Carmen , 38 years old. I'm coming from Bogota. I am here looking for Something surprising,Something nice and easy. For more information, please check my profile below. If you think I am the one sharing the same ideas as you do, feel free to let me know.

Carmen, Colombia By Carmen from Colombia


Profile Info

Carmen, Colombia My Personal Information
Member ID
Date of birth:
Jun 12, 1986
158 cm
55 kg
Bogota, Distrito Capital de Bogota, Colombia
Carmen, Colombia My Signature

My theory is that if you speak with confidence, you can get out of any situation.

Carmen, Colombia Self Introduction

I am a woman who has not had much luck in love, but I still do not lose faith. I love my profession. I believe that relationships should be based on trust and respect. I'm very funny, I like to make people laugh. I am a little shy at the beginning of a relationship, but it is something that does not last long.

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Carmen , 38

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