Cecilie, 59

Jiangbei, Chongqing, China

Hi there, Cecilie , 59 years old. I'm coming from Jiangbei. I am here looking for Something fun and casual. For more information, please check my profile below. If you think I am the one sharing the same ideas as you do, feel free to let me know.

Cecilie, China By Cecilie from China


Profile Info

Cecilie, China My Personal Information
Member ID
Date of birth:
Jun 18, 1965
162 cm
52 kg
Jiangbei, Chongqing, China
Cecilie, China My Signature

Happiness is a journey,not a destination.so love like you're never been hurt

Cecilie, China Self Introduction

'm a typical ChongQing woman. I'm outgoing beaytiful and hot. Although the life hurt me but I still go ahead without fear.Just the night too cold to sleep,I want a hug to make me feel comfortable. The divorce breaken my heart.It seems like the sun will never show up in my life.I desire for love ,because I konw only the love could lighten my life.

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