Ksenia, 48

Zaporizhia, Zaporizhia Oblast, Ukraine

Hi there, Ksenia , 48 years old. I'm coming from Zaporizhia. I am here looking for Something promising,Something fun and casual,Something surprising,Something fun and casual,Something nice and easy. For more information, please check my profile below. If you think I am the one sharing the same ideas as you do, feel free to let me know.

Ksenia, Ukraine By Ksenia from Ukraine


Profile Info

Ksenia, Ukraine My Personal Information
Member ID
Date of birth:
Sep 17, 1976
178 cm
54 kg
Zaporizhia, Zaporizhia Oblast, Ukraine
Ksenia, Ukraine My Signature

be happy always

Ksenia, Ukraine Self Introduction

My hobbies are yoga, meditation, Pilates, Swimming, and traveling to different countries. In the nearest future, I want to open my own small business but unfortunately, I have not decided on the vector yet what kind of small bakery, for example. But of course, the main is to build a strong family.

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