Love in a Great City - Georgia State, USA

Love in a Great City - Georgia State, USA

International Dating Tips · Nov. 4, 2020

Georgia, the largest state in the southeastern United States, is a paradise of natural and urban landscapes, surrounded by green mountains and small streams. It is hard to imagine that there are many developed cities in this lush center. People come out from the bustling metropolis, strolling into the dense forest, walking along soft beaches, seeing the squirrels playing in the forest, and listening to the conch narrating the story of the sea on the shore. This beautiful natural landscape and the modern urban landscape enhance each other’s beauty, giving you the illusion of being in a fairyland on earth. Thanks to this, it attracts a lot of overseas tourists to come and enjoy its scenery.


Love in a Great City--Georgia State, USA


Macon in Georgia, known as the "Sakura Capital of the World". Every March, the cherry blossom festival is held here. Hundreds of people gather here just to witness the bright moments when the cherry blossoms. In addition, many representative buildings in the south are also gathered here.


Love in a Great City--Georgia State, USA


The stunning 19th-century Italian Renaissance Hay House is comparable to a European palace. There are also various artworks brought back from Italy during the honeymoon of Mr. Hay and his wife. The house is decorated like a Renaissance art museum. The exquisite buildings and the popular Greek Revival buildings before the Civil War were embellished by the petals of cherry blossoms. In addition, there are a lot of art and cultural resources such as Wesleyan College, where the three sisters of Song studied, and the earliest site of Indian civilization.


Savannah, a historic city bordering the Atlantic Ocean, is known as "the first city of Georgia" as it is the oldest and most emotionally appealing city in Georgia. It is said to be the oldest because although she has experienced the Civil War, she is the only city in the South that has not been burned. Therefore, those ancient buildings have been completely preserved to this day. You can sit on a European-style carriage, shuttled through European-style residential areas and streets, watching the classical ornate buildings and exquisite and unique sculptures passing slowly in front of your eyes. With the ringing bell of the carriage whistling, time seems to slow down suddenly. It is precisely because of this vicissitudes of historical precipitation and a leisurely elegant environment that it was selected as the shooting location for many famous movies, and Forrest Gump is one of them.


Love in a Great City--Georgia State, USA


Although Savannah is famous for its history, in fact, it is those ghosts and phantom legends that really make Savannah famous everywhere. And due to the numerous American casualties and civil wars that led to countless deaths and injuries, Savannah is also known as a "city built on the dead." Restaurants, hotels, and colonial buildings that the haunted haunts once visited And the cemetery have been completely preserved. Savannah has also opened a unique tourism project-Ghost Tour. The specialty to use the cemetery as a scenic spot is also a must-visit for Savannah. You must not miss this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity.


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